Overcoming Communication Problems in New York Marriages: 10 Proven Strategies

Communication Problems,Couples Therapy NYC
Image of couple in NYC working on overcoming their communication problems in marriage

Overcoming Communication Problems in New York Marriages: 10 Proven Strategies

Table of Contents

10 Proven Strategies to Enhance Dialogue and Understanding to Overcome Communication Problems in Marriage

Are you struggling with communication problems in your marriage or love relationship in New York? Ineffective communication can lead to frustration, misunderstanding, and conflict, whether in a personal relationship or professional setting.

In this article, we’ll explore the core reasons behind communication breakdowns and offer 10 proven strategies for enhancing dialogue and understanding between individuals. From active listening to addressing nonverbal cues and establishing healthy communication patterns, you’ll gain the tools to constructively navigate and resolve communication challenges.

Key Takeaways

  • Effective communication is essential for reducing misunderstandings, building trust, and strengthening relationships. Techniques such as active listening, attentive presence, and clear verbal expression are key to improving dialogue and emotional intimacy.
  • Healthy communication patterns and conflict resolution skills, such as establishing a safe space for dialogue, regular check-ins within relationships, and tackling issues promptly, aid in maintaining and improving relationship dynamics.
  • Therapeutic approaches like the Gottman Method, Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT), and Schema Therapy for Couples, offered by Loving at Your Best aim to enhance relationship satisfaction, deepen emotional connections, improve communication, and resolve conflicts. They utilize strategies supported by empirical data and clinical expertise.

Unraveling the Roots of Communication Challenges in Marriages


Image of couple in NYC resolving communication problems in marriage

Like a complex puzzle, effective communication involves numerous elements. From understanding your own emotions to adapting your communication styles to the situation – there’s a lot that goes into a successful conversation. Yet, despite our best efforts, we often fall into traps of misunderstandings and black-and-white thinking. But don’t fret – we’re here to help you unravel these challenges.

By enhancing your effective communication skills and fostering healthy communication patterns, you can improve communication skills and:

  • Reduce misunderstandings
  • Strengthen your relationships
  • Reinforce trust
  • Enhance emotional intimacy

After all, effective communication is the key to reinforcing trust and enhancing emotional intimacy in relationships.

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The Art of Active Listening to Help Resolve Communications in Marriage


Image of gay couple in NYC overcoming communication problems in marriage through active listening

Now, imagine a conversation as a game of catch. It’s not just about throwing the ball (or in this case, talking); it’s also about catching it (listening). Enter the realm of active listening – a communication skill that goes beyond simply hearing words. It’s about genuine interest, curiosity, and the intent to understand the speaker’s message.

It’s about making the speaker feel understood and setting a comfortable tone for dialogue. It’s about attentiveness, reflection, and appropriate response. Let’s delve deeper into these components.

Cultivating Attentiveness

Imagine pouring your heart out to someone, but they’re constantly checking their phone. Not very comforting, right? That’s where attentiveness comes in. Active listening demands entire presence and undivided attention, using all senses for better engagement.

It’s about maintaining eye contact and signaling your engagement without causing discomfort. It’s about practicing patience, allowing the speaker to express their thoughts fully without interruptions. And it’s about mirroring – nodding, paraphrasing – to make the speaker feel heard and understood.

Reflecting and Clarifying

In the game of catch, tossing back the ball is part of the fun. In active listening, this is where reflecting and clarifying come in. Reflecting helps the speaker feel validated by mirroring their emotions and feelings in your response. It’s like saying, “I see you, and I understand you”.

On the other hand, asking for clarification encourages the speaker to engage in self-reflection and problem-solving, promoting a deeper conversation. Through these methods, we ensure accurate understanding and further the dialogue.

Responding Appropriately

So, you’ve caught the ball. Now, how do you throw it back? Responding appropriately is key in active listening. It’s about validating the speaker with empathetic phrases, such as “That must have been hard for you,” or acknowledging their point with “I see what you mean.” It’s about using language that validates their feelings, such as “Your feelings are understandable.”

It’s about showing genuine interest, asking open-ended questions, and providing constructive feedback. Importantly, it’s about avoiding language that minimizes the speaker’s feelings, like “It’s not a big deal.”

Bridging the Gap with Effective Verbal Communication


Verbal communication improvement for couples in NYC

Active listening is just one side of the communication coin. The other is verbal communication – the art of expressing your thoughts, feelings, and needs effectively. This is where “I” statements, positive language, and clear messages come to play. These elements can significantly decrease the chances of your partner becoming defensive and improve the overall dialogue. Incorporating active listening exercises can further enhance these communication skills, including practicing active listening skills.

Let’s explore how to master these elements.

Embracing “I” Statements

Have you ever noticed how a sentence starting with “You” can make you defensive? That’s why, in effective communication, we embrace “I” statements. By expressing feelings personally, we eliminate finger-pointing, blaming, and shaming, fostering more constructive and empathetic communication.

The formula is simple: state the situation, express your own feelings, convey needs, and make a clear request. It’s about taking ownership of your emotions and promoting mutual understanding.

Avoiding Negative Language

Imagine walking into a room and being bombarded with negative comments. Not the best experience, right? That’s how negative language can feel in a conversation. We can prevent shutdown and improve dialogue by replacing “you” phrases with “I” phrases and shifting from negative to positive language. One way to practice this shift is by engaging in positive language exercises, which can help build better communication habits.

It’s like changing the room’s color from gloomy gray to cheerful yellow. The change in atmosphere can make conversations, tough ones, more bearable.

Crafting Clear Messages to Help Communication Problems in Marriage

We’ve all played the game of telephone, where a message gets distorted as it’s passed down the line. A similar thing can happen in conversations if we’re not evident in our messaging. This is where crafting clear messages comes in. It’s about stating views clearly, asking genuine questions, and providing all relevant information.

It’s about focusing on shared interests over positions and treating your partner with trust, encouragement, and appreciation. After all, a well-crafted message is a well-received message.

Decoding Nonverbal Communication


Lesbian couple getting help in NYC for communication problems in their marriage

Imagine trying to watch a movie without any visuals. Sounds tricky, right? That’s how important nonverbal cues are in communication. They’re the visuals that accompany our words, painting a clearer picture of our thoughts and feelings. They’re our facial expressions, gestures, posture, and tone of voice, each playing a crucial role in expressing emotions, intentions, and attitudes.

Nonverbal communication, such as body language, is essential for understanding and connecting with others, whether in professional settings, social interactions, or personal relationships.

Establishing Healthy Communication Patterns


Image of a couple getting marriage therapy in NYC to help their communication problems in their marriage

Now, let’s put the pieces together. We’ve talked about active listening, verbal communication, and nonverbal cues, but how do we apply all these in our day-to-day interactions? Enter healthy communication patterns. This involves creating a safe space for dialogue, having regular relationship check-ins, and addressing issues promptly.

Let’s dive deeper into each of these aspects.

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Creating a Safe Space for Dialogue

Just as a plant needs the right environment to grow, communication needs the right environment to flourish. This is where creating a safe space for dialogue comes in. It’s about choosing an appropriate time and place for discussions to ensure full attention. It’s about establishing ground rules and mutual respect to foster an environment where both partners can share their thoughts without fear.

It’s about creating a comfortable, dedicated environment for open, honest communication.

Regular Relationship Check-Ins

Imagine running a marathon without any water breaks. Sounds exhausting, right? That’s how a relationship can feel without regular check-ins. These are like water breaks – they keep the relationship hydrated and healthy. Regular check-ins encourage couples to ask relationship questions that strengthen connections and ensure they are aligned with their goals.

They help keep partners connected and attuned to each other’s moods. And they can prevent potential conflicts from escalating into more significant issues.

Addressing Issues Promptly

Have you ever tried to remove a stain that’s been there for weeks? It’s tough, isn’t it? That’s why it’s crucial to address issues promptly in a relationship. It prevents them from becoming ingrained stains, which are difficult to remove. It’s about tackling significant issues head-on, asking thoughtful questions during disagreements, and recognizing and respecting the other person’s point of view. After all, prompt action can prevent long-term damage.

Navigating Conflict with Compassion

Conflict is a part of life and certainly a part of relationships. But it’s not the conflict itself that’s the problem; it’s how we handle it. This section will explore how we can navigate conflict with compassion. It’s about seeking common ground, taking time to cool off, and using the sandwich method.

Let’s delve into each of these strategies.

Seeking Common Ground

Seeing the other person as the enemy during a conflict is easy. But what if we shift our focus to what unites us rather than what divides us? Seeking common ground involves identifying shared values and objectives, reducing polarizing arguments, and leading to more relatable discussions.

It’s about focusing on interests rather than positions and adopting a solution-oriented attitude. After all, we’re on the same team, aren’t we?

Taking Time to Cool Off

Conflict can be like a forest fire—it can escalate quickly and cause much damage. That’s why taking a break is crucial when emotions run high. Cooling off allows more precise thinking and prevents impulsive reactions.

It’s like pouring water on the fire, reducing its intensity and preventing it from spreading.

Using Sandwich Method Exercises

Imagine biting into a sandwich with only bread and no filling. It doesn’t sound appetizing, does it? That’s how feedback can feel when it’s all criticism and no praise.

The sandwich method involves placing critical feedback between two affirmative statements. It ensures that critical comments are received more softly, making the feedback palatable. After all, nobody enjoys a sandwich without filling, right?

Harnessing the Power of Gratitude

In the hustle and bustle of life, it’s easy to forget the power of a simple “thank you.” But did you know that practicing gratitude is linked to increased well-being and decreased likelihood of mental health issues such as anxiety and depression? It’s about recognizing and appreciating the good in our lives, not just on special occasions but consistently.

It’s about showing appreciation in relationships. This increases the likelihood of mutual help and kindness and strengthens communication and connection. After all, a little gratitude goes a long way.

Embracing Therapy and Professional Guidance

Sometimes, the most challenging step in any journey is the first one – admitting we need help and seeking it. Regarding communication issues in relationships, professional guidance can be an invaluable resource. Emotional-focused therapy (EFT), developed by Susan Johnson and Leslie Greenberg, strengthens emotional bonds and changes negative interaction patterns using Attachment theory.

Therapy can transform communication habits, providing strategies for improved dialogue and understanding between partners. After all, it’s never too late to seek help and improve your relationship.

Integrating Communication Exercises into Daily Life

They say practice makes perfect, and communication is no exception. Integrating relationship communication exercises, including a specific effective communication exercise, into our daily lives can strengthen our relationships’ overall quality. From mirroring techniques to the ‘Prediction Method’ and the ‘Three and Three Exercise,’ these practices can result in more constructive conversations and a shared understanding that conflicts can be survived and resolved.

After all, every journey begins with a single step, and every conversation is a chance to improve our communication skills.


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Gottman Method Couples Therapy

Let’s delve into the Gottman Method Couples Therapy, which helps couples in New York build solid and healthy relationships—developed by Drs. John and Julie Gottman, this method addresses communication problems in marriages.

The Gottman Method is an integral part of the Loving at Your Best plan, designed to enhance relationship satisfaction, deepen emotional connection, improve conflict resolution, strengthen communication, and elevate trust and commitment. Let’s explore the various aspects of this method.

Improving Communication

Communication is the bedrock of any relationship. The Gottman Method helps couples enhance their communication by:

  • Addressing and reorganizing their emotional responses
  • Encouraging partners to express their emotions and needs more effectively
  • Promoting active listening and empathy to improve understanding and connection.

Effective Expression

The Gottman Method also emphasizes practical expression. It helps couples articulate their thoughts and feelings using “I” statements, avoiding confrontation and promoting mutual understanding.

The method also encourages empathy, understanding, and acknowledging the partner’s feelings.

Building Emotional Connection

The Gottman Method is not just about solving problems; it’s about building emotional connections. It strengthens emotional bonds, making couples feel safe, close, and connected.

The method encourages open sharing of thoughts and feelings to build trust and connection.

Enhancing Intimacy

Intimacy is the glue that holds a relationship together. The Gottman Method addresses sexual needs and desires openly to foster closeness and satisfaction. Our couples therapy also addresses communication problems in marriage that can occur over intimacy.

It helps couples understand and meet each other’s intimate needs.

Handling Conflict

Conflict is inevitable in a relationship, but how we approach it can make all the difference. The Gottman Method provides tools for effective communication during conflicts. It teaches conflict resolution strategies, including making concessions and apologizing.

It also advises taking breaks when emotions run high to prevent escalation.

Maintaining a Positive Relationship

The Gottman Method doesn’t stop at resolving conflicts. It also focuses on maintaining a positive relationship. The method encourages showing appreciation and gratitude to maintain a healthy relationship.

It also helps couples find shared activities that strengthen their bond.

Structured and Goal-Oriented

One of the strengths of the Gottman Method is its structured and goal-oriented approach. The method is based on empirical data from over 3,000 couples, showing effective strategies for long-term relationship health.

It involves two or three assessment sessions followed by weekly treatment sessions.

Key Goals

The key goals of the Gottman Method include:

  • Increasing respect, affection, and closeness
  • Resolving conflicts
  • Building emotional security and trust
  • Maintaining improvements in the relationship

Couples can enhance their relationship satisfaction and longevity by focusing on these goals.

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The Benefits of Emotionally Focused Therapy for Couples in Manhattan, New York

Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) is another therapeutic method offered at Loving at Your Best. Drs developed this short-term, structured approach to couples therapy. Sue Johnson focused on addressing communication problems in marriages. Just like the Gottman Method, EFT is designed to:

  • Enhance relationship satisfaction
  • Deepen emotional connection
  • Improve conflict resolution
  • Elevate trust and commitment.

Let’s explore the different aspects of this method.

Strengths of Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT)

The strengths of EFT for couples lie in its integrative approach, combining the following components:

  • Gestalt
  • Psychodynamic
  • Experiential
  • Attachment
  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

It is aimed at lasting change by addressing persistent issues not successfully treated by other forms of counseling.

The therapy’s approach integrates biology and culture, synthesizing emotional experiences refined through experience and cultural learning.

Goals of Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT)

EFT aims to change the emotion schematic memory structures through memory reconsolidation. It helps individuals process emotional experiences, allowing them to:

  • Access primary adaptive emotional responses to situations, such as empowering anger at a violation or open sadness at a loss
  • Increase emotional awareness
  • Promote emotional expression
  • Enhance emotion regulation
  • Encourage reflection on emotional experiences
  • Facilitate the transformation of emotions
  • Provide corrective emotional experiences

Improving Communication in Marriages

In marriages, EFT for Couples helps couples improve their communication problems in marriage by addressing and reorganizing emotional responses. It encourages partners to express their emotions and needs more effectively. It also promotes active listening and empathy to improve understanding and connection.

Practical Application

EFT utilizes structured, goal-oriented interventions to improve communication and resolve conflicts. It focuses on:

  • Creating secure emotional bonds to help couples navigate relationship challenges
  • Empowering couples to break negative cycles
  • Building positive, supportive interactions

Expertise and Experience

The therapists at Loving at Your Best are highly experienced in EFT. Travis Atkinson has had advanced training and supervision by Dr. Sue Johnson since 2006.

Their ongoing commitment to apply EFT principles helps couples in Manhattan strengthen their relationships and communication skills.

Schema Therapy for Couples in Manhattan, New York

Schema Therapy is another method used at Loving at Your Best to address communication problems in marriages. Developed by Dr. Jeffrey Young, Schema Therapy is based on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy with an emphasis on early experiences and childhood trauma. Just like the Gottman Method and EFT, Schema Therapy for Couples is designed to:

  • Enhance relationship satisfaction
  • Deepen emotional connection
  • Improve conflict resolution
  • Elevate trust and commitment.

Let’s delve into the different aspects of this method.

Key Concepts and Goals

Schema Therapy is an integrative approach combining the following components:

  • Gestalt
  • Psychodynamic
  • Experiential
  • Attachment
  • Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT)

It aims at lasting change by addressing persistent issues not successfully treated by other forms of counseling.

The therapy focuses on helping partners recognize and alter negative schemas affecting their relationship, including communication problems in marriage.

How Schema Therapy Works

Schema Therapy for Couples identifies maladaptive thoughts, behaviors, and emotional patterns (schemas) formed from unmet childhood emotional needs. It involves a collaborative process between therapist and clients to uncover and challenge harmful schemas. Communication problems in marriage are directly impacted by unhealthy schemas and how we cope.

The therapy uses a longer-term approach with weekly or biweekly sessions, depending on the severity of the issues.

Schema Therapy Techniques

Schema Therapy utilizes diverse techniques to help clients. This includes:

  • Schema-focused cognitive therapy
  • Imagery Rescripting
  • Limited reparenting
  • Behavioral techniques

These techniques modify unhealthy behaviors linked to schemas through practical exercises and coping strategies.

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Benefits for Communication Problems in Marriage

Schema Therapy offers numerous benefits for couples. It enhances emotional connection by recognizing and changing negative interaction patterns. It improves empathy and understanding between partners.

It also strengthens communication by addressing and modifying deeply ingrained beliefs and behaviors.

Expertise and Experience

The therapists at Loving at Your Best are highly experienced in Schema Therapy. Travis Atkinson has been working with Dr. Jeffrey Young, the founder of Schema Therapy, since 1995.

Their ongoing commitment to applying Schema Therapy principles helps couples in Manhattan strengthen their relationships and communication skills.

Advantages of Schema Therapy for Couples

Schema Therapy offers numerous advantages, including:

  • Greater emotional well-being and reduced symptoms of anxiety and depression
  • Strengthened interpersonal relationships and increased self-awareness
  • Promotion of adaptability and resilience in handling stress and challenges
  • Long-lasting effects by changing thought, behavior, and emotional patterns

Schema Therapy Process

The Schema Therapy process involves several stages. It starts with an initial evaluation and conceptualization to identify problematic schemas. Then, a treatment strategy is developed, combining cognitive, behavioral, and experiential techniques.

Throughout the therapy, there is ongoing collaboration to challenge harmful schemas and replace them with healthier beliefs. The therapy also uses practical exercises, role-playing, and guided imagery to reinforce positive changes, including taking on challenging communication problems in marriage.

Image of Travis Atkinson of the Loving at Your Best Plan

The Heart of Relationship Healing: Meet Travis

Travis Atkinson is at the heart of Loving at Your Best relationship healing. With over 25 years of experience in couples therapy and a diverse array of certifications and qualifications, Travis invites couples to join the transformative journey toward relational bliss.

His approach at Loving at Your Best focuses on personal transformation and relationship wellness, aiming to enhance relationship dynamics and address communication issues.

Image of Paul Chiariello, the Senior Clinician at Loving at Your Best Marriage and Couples Counseling in NYC

Senior Clinician: Paul Chiariello, LMSW, MSc Ed

Paul Chiariello, a Senior Clinician at Loving at Your Best, brings a combination of advanced training and a diverse background in conflict resolution, education, and clinical social work to his practice. His strengths-based perspective helps clients identify productive and harmful thoughts, emotions, and behaviors.

Focusing on helping clients explore and become their best selves, Paul’s approach is grounded in unconditional positive regard and cognitive and dialectical behavior therapies.

Couples & Sex Therapist: Jon

Meet Jon, a Couples and Sex Therapist at Loving at Your Best. He is a Licensed Master Social Worker with a psychotherapeutic approach that includes sex therapy, trauma-informed care, and Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT). In his work, Jon uses multiple modalities, including Schema Therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), and Solution-Focused Therapy.

His vast experience working with couples, poly relationships, LGBTQIA+ individuals, refugees, asylum seekers, and sexual assault survivors equips him to address a wide range of issues.

Jon Prezant, licensed master social worker with a foundation in sex therapy, trauma care, and emotionally focused therapy, specializes in supporting gay couples in NYC, particularly when one partner exhibits ADHD symptoms. His integrative approach prioritizes the therapist-client bond, offering tailored support for LGBTQIA+ individuals, poly relationships, and more. With a depth in human sexuality, Jon brings expertise in addressing gender, sexual identity, sexual desire, and more, employing Schema Therapy, CBT, and Solution-Focused therapy. Having studied at Tel Aviv University and NYU's Wurzweiler School of Social Work, Jon's commitment to continuous learning is evident. Beyond psychotherapy, his passion for music and the arts deeply influences his client-focused therapeutic approach at Loving at Your Best.

Couples & Sex Therapist: Jon Prezant

Continuing with Jon, he brings a unique blend of personal interests and academic background to his practice. As a musician and songwriter, he uses music and the arts to inform his client-centered work. Jon’s therapeutic approach is rooted in his rich academic background, which includes:

  • B.A. in Journalism from the University of Maryland
  • M.A. in Trauma and Crisis Studies from Tel Aviv University
  • M.S.W. from New York University’s Wurzweiler School of Social Work

He focuses on a relationship-centered model, Emotionally Focused Therapy for Couples and Schema Therapy for Couples, and therapist-client bond in a collaborative environment.

Tiffany Goldberg, LMSW from Columbia University, specialized in relationship counseling when one partner has ADHD. With a profound career beginning in support of at-risk youth, she's extended her expertise to trauma counseling post-September 11th events and aiding survivors at Rikers Island. As a seasoned professional in the substance use treatment domain, Tiffany leverages a strengths-based approach for individuals and families. Her dedication is evident in her holistic methods, combining in-session strategies with experiential outside exercises to drive impactful change for her clients.

Marriage & Family Therapist: Tiffany Goldberg

Introducing Tiffany, a Marriage & Family Therapist at Loving at Your Best. Tiffany brings a wealth of experience from her work with:

  • Children and families in an after-school program for at-risk youth
  • World Trade Center survivors
  • trauma survivors in the women’s facility at Rikers Island
  • the substance use treatment field

Her strengths-based perspective helps clients identify productive and harmful thoughts, emotions, and behaviors.

Tiffany’s approach is focused on helping clients explore and become their best selves.


As we wrap up this journey, it’s clear that communication is a multifaceted process. It’s not just about talking; it’s about listening, empathizing, and understanding. It’s about building bridges of connection through words and actions. We’ve explored the roots of communication challenges, the art of active listeninImage of an icon to book an appointment now at Loving at Your Best Marriage and Couples Counseling.g, verbal and nonverbal communication, and the importance of establishing healthy communication patterns.

We’ve also discussed how to navigate conflict with compassion, harness the power of gratitude, and the benefits of therapy and professional guidance. Each of these elements plays a crucial role in enhancing dialogue and understanding in relationships.

Frequently Asked Questions About Communication Problems in Marriage

What therapeutic methods does Loving at Your Best use that help communication problems in marriage?

Loving at Your Best uses therapeutic methods such as Gottman Method Couples Therapy, Emotionally Focused Therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, and Schema Therapy to help individuals and couples.

What issues can Loving at Your Best help with?

Loving at Your Best can help with trust issues, communication gaps, and emotional disconnection, among other relationship challenges. We guide you in navigating various aspects of relationships. A common issue that couples address is communication problems in marriage.

Who are the therapists at Loving at Your Best?

The marriage therapists and couples counselors at Loving at Your Best are Travis Atkinson, Paul Chiariello, Tiffany Goldberg, and Jon Prezant. They offer a range of expertise and backgrounds to cater to different client needs.

What is Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT)?

Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) is a clinically proven approach to help couples build trust and intimacy. It offers strategies to renew connections and foster deeper relationships.

What are the most important two contributors to relationship satisfaction and longevity that help communication problems in marriage?

The most significant contributors to relationship satisfaction and longevity are reaching out and responding to each other. These factors can significantly impact the health of your relationship.

Image of Travis Atkinson, the Founder and Director of Loving at Your Best Marriage and Couples Counseling.


  • Travis Atkinson

    Travis Atkinson, founder of Loving at Your Best Marriage and Couples Counseling, brings three decades of expertise to relationship healing. Mentored by pioneers in schema and emotionally focused therapies, he's revolutionized couples counseling with innovative approaches. Travis's multicultural background informs his unique view of each relationship as its own culture. He combines world-class expertise with genuine compassion to guide couples towards deeper connection.

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