Gottman Method Couples Therapy

Gottman Method Couples Therapy

Gottman Method Couples Therapy

Every couple has problems that they have to work through. Some people can work through these problems and make their relationship stronger, but others have trouble and end up drifting apart. If you are one of the second group, Gottman Method Couples Therapy may be just what you need.

Gottman Method Couples Therapy is a treatment that has been shown to help people build strong, healthy relationships. Gottman Method Couples Therapy was created by Drs. John and Julie Gottman after they did a lot of research and watched couples for more than 40 years years.

How Important It Is to Talk

Communication is what makes a relationship work. Without good communication, misunderstandings, fights, and resentment can quickly build up and cause the relationship to fall apart.

One of the most important parts of Gottman Method for Couples Therapy is helping couples talk to each other better. This means that they need to learn how to listen actively, express themselves well, and care about their partner.

Empathic listening is an important part of being able to communicate well. It means paying attention to what your partner is saying and not cutting them off or making assumptions about what they are saying. Empathic listening also means paraphrasing what your partner has said to make sure you have understood them correctly.

It  teaches couples how to listen to each other meaningfully. This means putting away things like phones and TV and paying attention to what their partner says. Couples are told to use their bodies, like nodding and making eye contact, to show that they are paying attention.

Getting Your Point Across:

Another important part of communication is getting your point across. Many people have trouble telling their partner what they are thinking and feeling, which can lead to misunderstandings and fights.

It teaches couples how to talk to each other well. Using “I” statements instead of “you” statements, which can sound accusatory or confrontational, is one way to do this. For example, it’s better to say, “It hurts me when you don’t listen to me,” than “You never listen to me.”

Empathy is being able to understand and feel what someone else is feeling. It’s an important part of talking to each other because it helps people connect emotionally and learn more about each other.

It teaches couples to understand and care for each other. This means paying attention to and acknowledging their partner’s feelings. Couples are told to put themselves in their partner’s shoes and think about how they would feel in a similar situation.

Making the relationship stronger:

Gottman Method Couples Therapy is another way to help couples get closer. This means making their emotional connection stronger, building trust, and getting closer.

Emotional Connection:

A strong and healthy relationship is built on a solid, healthy emotional connection. It means feeling safe, close, and connected to your partner. Emotional connection is vital because it helps couples overcome hard times and keep a positive outlook on their relationship.

Gottman Method Couples Therapy helps couples connect emotionally by helping them figure out their feelings and tell their partner about them. Couples are told to talk about their thoughts and feelings with each other and to be open with each other. This helps them feel more connected and build trust.

Increasing trust:

Trust is a crucial part of every relationship. Without trust, it may be hard for two people to make their relationship strong and healthy. Gottman Method Couples Therapy helps couples build trust by making it easier for them to talk to each other and by helping them figure out and deal with problems that might hurt their relationship.


Being close to each other is a key part of any relationship. It’s when you and your partner feel close, connected, and sexually fulfilled. Intimacy is important because it helps couples keep their relationship happy and satisfying.

Gottman Method Couples Therapy

couples get closer by helping them figure out what each other wants and needs. Couples are told to talk about their sexual needs openly and to work together to find ways to meet each other’s needs. This can help couples feel closer emotionally and make them happier with their relationship as a whole.

How to Handle Conflict:

Every relationship has fights, and that’s how it should be. But if it’s not talked about, it can lead to anger and the end of the relationship. The Gottman Method Couples Therapy helps couples deal with problems by teaching them how to talk to each other and solve problems.

Effective Communication:

Good communication is a key part of figuring out how to solve a problem. The Gottman Method Couples Therapy teaches couples how to talk to each other better when they are upset. This means being an active listener, expressing yourself well, and having empathy for your partner.

Resolving Conflicts:

One important part of Gottman Method Couples Therapy is resolving conflicts. Couples are taught how to figure out why they are having problems and how to solve them positively and helpfully. This could mean making concessions, apologizing, or finding other solutions for both parties.

Gottman Method Couples Therapy also teaches couples how to stop fights from getting out of hand before they do. When emotions get high, couples are told to take a break and return to the conversation when they are both calm and ready to talk.

Maintaining a Good Relationship: The Gottman Method Couples Therapy also helps partners keep their relationship happy and healthy. This means learning how to show appreciation, show gratitude, and do things that make their relationship stronger.

Expressing Appreciation:

Showing appreciation is an important part of keeping a good relationship. Gottman Method Couples Therapy teaches couples how to show each other appreciation. This can be done by saying “thank you,” complimenting the other person, or doing small things that show love and appreciation.

Practicing Gratitude:

Another important part of keeping a good relationship is showing gratitude. Couples are told to focus on the good things about their relationship and to thank each other for the things they appreciate about each other. This can help a couple stay optimistic about their relationship and feel closer to each other.
Taking part in activities: Taking part in activities together is an important part of keeping a relationship strong and healthy. The Gottman Method Couples Therapy helps couples find things they both like to do and that make their relationship stronger. This could mean trying something new together, spending quality time together, or doing something that makes them happy and full.

Gottman Method Couples Therapy is a method that has been shown to help couples communicate better, grow closer, and build a happy, fulfilling relationship. Gottman Method Couples Therapy can help couples work through their relationship problems and build a stronger foundation for their future by teaching them how to communicate well, solve conflicts, and keep their relationship positive. If you and your partner are having trouble, you might want to try Gottman Method Couples Therapy. It can help you build a stronger and more satisfying relationship.

Gottman Method Couples Therapy

Gottman Method Couples Therapy combines Dr. John Gottman’s 35 years of research on couples’ relationships with Dr. Julie Schwartz Gottman’s more than 30 years of clinical practice. Certified Gottman Therapists help couples break through barriers through research-based interventions and exercises to achieve greater understanding, connection, and intimacy in their relationships. Gottman Method Couples Therapy is a structured, goal-oriented, scientifically-based therapy. Intervention strategies are based on empirical data from Dr. Gottman’s three decades of research with more than 3,000 couples. This research shows us what works to help couples achieve a long-term healthy relationship. Gottman Method Couples Therapy was developed out of this research to help you and your spouse or partner:

(1) Increase respect, affection, and closeness

(2) Break through and resolve conflict when you feel stuck

(3) Generate greater understanding between you and your partner

(4) Keep conflict and discussions calm

(5) Maintain improvements in your relationship

The therapy usually consists of two or three assessment sessions and subsequent treatment sessions, typically weekly. Gottman Method Therapy helps couples develop and strengthen the qualities of positive, healthy relationships that Dr. Gottman discovered in his 40 years of research with couples.

Image of Travis Atkinson at Loving at Your Best

Travis Atkinson, Certified Gottman Method Couples Therapist since 2006

Travis Atkinson, LCSW, is a Certified Gottman Method Couples Therapist, one of the first therapists in New York City to complete an extensive 8-year training at the Gottman Institute in Seattle, WA and become certified. He uses the Gottman Relationship Checkup, a thorough relationship assessment, to help pinpoint the strengths and challenges in your dynamic, and tailors your responses to help best design a treatment to meet the needs of your relationship.

Travis graduated from New York University in 1995, and has been passionately helping couples get their relationships back, specializing in the most evidence-based models of couples therapy. In addition to Gottman Method Couples Therapy, Travis is a Certified Emotionally Focused Therapist and Supervision, and an Advanced Certified Schema Therapist, Supervisor and Trainer for Individuals and Couples.

Dr. John Gottman describes relationship conflict, and how to get out of spirals

Dr. Gottman introduces his ideas about Life Dreams, philosophical issues that are central to each partners dreams or personalities. Yielding on some of these issues may feel like giving up who you are. 

Dr. John Gottman describes relationships

In this short YouTube clip, Dr. John Gottman, the creator of Gottman Method Couples Therapy, and influence of the Loving at Your Best plan, explains the differences between “Master” and “Disaster” relationships. Masters aren’t perfect, but both relationships that succeed and thrive and relationships that end with explosions or loneliness have highly predictive patterns that are included in the design of the 5-Step Loving at Your Best plan.

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